“Andrew Cunningham Loved Much”  This is something I learned to be true from only knowing the man for 55 minutes. When Andrew spoke, my ears were attuned to his unique gift of being a savvy businessman, who does solely live to glorify Jesus Christ. Being a god fearing man, Andrew works hard every day to have his business and faith be completely aligned. The point that stuck out to me was “Why are we as a society so strategic in our own life planning or business planning but the not so much when it comes to spreading the Good News?” Andrew stressed how when Coke is expanding they do their best to bring in all the people with all the right tools to make a project work well, as for many churches, we simply send missionaries off with prayer and “hope” that the lost are able to be reached. This challenge by Andrew pushed me to think further on the topic. I realized we are almost more accepting of giving money to missionaries then taking the time to develop an in-depth plan to deliver the Gospel to the ends of the earth.  My challenge is for you to look at your business and clients the same way you look at the lost– because often times they will be one in the same and both can grow in alignment allowing more energy to flow to the growth of the eternal kingdom.

3 thoughts on ““Selling” The Gospel”
  1. I as well really enjoyed your post, really great insight connecting our topic of learning to move people in sales with part of our call as Christians to spread the Gospel. I especially like what you said at the end, “Look at your business clients the same way you look at the lost-because often times they will be one in the same..”. I think that is a wise way of viewing the people we interact with, especially in business. I also think we could take it one step further and not only view the people we sell to as people needing to hear the Gospel, but also to already view them as children of God because they indeed are and I think it will temper the way we interact with one another and bring about more love if we view them through these lens.

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