Professor Sweet used a great example from his life to demonstrate different sales personality. He talked about his “sales” role in ministry. For some of us this is a very weird picture. Why would you need or even use sales skills in this setting? Reading the gospels we see a mighty decree from Jesus calling his Apostles(followers) to “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel” Mark 16:15. The gospel is the handbook for an effective sales pitch. We are to represent Christ just as a salesman represents his company. Unlike the iconic greasy salesman we as advocates to the kingdom must present with honesty courage and faith in our “product”.

Professor sweet discussed using techniques like listening and asking key questions to push individuals to Christ. This is a great example of using inference skills to better understand the individual you are working with.

Sales can be applicable to used in every aspect our lives and I am learning that developing my sales skills will also develop my walk with Christ.

One thought on “The Sales of Ministry”
  1. I think that this idea that he shared was very cool, and I feel like it is so practical. Almost to the point of these actions being considered normal, but unfortunately, that is hard. I think that at Grove City, it’s hard to sell faith because it is always around, and at a Christian college, I’m not always sure that faith stands out as much as it does in other areas. Selling your faith to someone is difficult, when they have been getting shown faith for their whole lives, and have never “bought in”.

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