One thing that stood out to me when Coach Didonato talked, was when he talked about each individual person in the sales process. It really caught my attention that the front desk lady was the most important for him, because of her ability to sway the doctor and his schedule. This has been something that has stuck with me all semester, and it’s something that I think I will remember and value for the rest of my life. I really believe that he lives this out also. I have had a few different interactions with Coach, and each time, he treats me like I’m important, and he values what I have to say. I think that he learned a lot of this from sales and his experiences, and I know that it makes him a much better football coach. I am very excited to see where our football team will go from here, with someone who has a great ability to recruit, and who has brought in assistants who have a desire to work hard for him.

I think that Coach Didonato’s sales experiences have given him the great value for people that he has, and it is something that I hope I can get out of in my future sales experiences, but I am so glad that he came in and talked to us about these ideas.

One thought on “Coach Didonato and Sales”
  1. I definitely agree that the Gatekeeper is an essential part in the sales process. In many industries outside of the medical field, the same applies. Any time a phone rings and you get a secretary, you must meet their expectations in order to be put through to a buyer or purchaser within the company. Having been turned down in the past, I certainly see the importance.

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