Typical adjectives associated with salespeople:

    • Pushy — Customers feel forced into a corner to make a decision.
    • Hustler — Customers feel like they are being stolen from and taken advantage of.
    • Used Car Salesman — This is the guy we all want to take 3 steps away from…Used Car Salesman
    • Energetic — Customers want to either move quickly or take there time to make a decision and as a sales person you must be able to figure out quickly who you are dealing with.
    • Shifty — Customers might find sales people untrustworthy if they are shifty in a sales process.
    • Dishonest — You are able to pick out lies and areas where the sales person is being vague. 

“Most of what we think we understand about selling is constructed atop a foundation of assumptions that has crumbled” — Pink

One thought on “Typical Adjectives Associated With Sales People”
  1. These are all so true! It’s sad to think that sales people are definitely associated with all of these words, but we as future sales people must work hard to break down those stereotypes.

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