An article recently posted references a Gallop poll on honesty and ethical conduct of business professionals.  That poll found that 85 percent of people have a negative view of all salespeople.  This is an unfair presupposition that many people have and the article provides 10 ways to prove to prospects that you are honest and ethical as a salesperson.

  1. Keep your mouth shut and your ears open.
  2. Sell with questions, not answers.
  3. Pretend you’re on a first date with your prospect.
  4. Speak to your prospect just as you speak to your family or friends.
  5. Pay close attention to what your prospect isn’t saying.
  6. If you’re asked a question, answer it briefly and then move on.
  7. Only after you’ve correctly assessed the needs of your prospect do you mention anything about what you are offering.
  8. Refrain from delivering a three-hour product seminar.
  9. Ask the prospect if there are any barriers to them taking the next logical step.
  10. Invite your prospect to take some kind of action.

These rules are pretty similar to a lot of the Sandler rules and the things we have learned about in class.  Learning and implementing these will surely lead to much greater sales success in any setting.

By wisebs1

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