I think one of the biggest roadblocks to successful selling for the introverts among us is dealing with the boogeyman that is rejection.    The ability to take rejection, learn from it, and move on with the same sense of buoyancy that one started with is crucial for long-term survival in the “ocean of rejection” that is sales.   This is really difficult for some people; fear of rejection is a huge inhibitor to someone who otherwise might be an extremely effective salesperson.

The power of positive thinking is a mindset that has been advertised by salespeople such as Norman Vincent Peale, Zig Ziglar, and Tony Robbins.    This “I can do it” self-talk can sometimes be effective in putting one in a positive, upward-thinking mentality, but more often than not this mindset is irrational and self-delusional.  Sometimes sales situations turn sour, and there is little that a positive outlook can do about it.    Getting the brain past the initial “I can do it” mode into a more concentrated and rational “Can I do it?”   This sort of thinking is called “interrogative self-talk,”  and is highly effective for thinking through sales scenarios with the right mindset.

So how does interrogative self-talk work?  It starts with asking oneself questions that set one up to find real answers that can translate into solutions.   The process itself of formulating good questions inspires real thought and real action; interrogative self-talk generates excitement as one answers self-questions and provides answers that help motivate one to sell more effectively.    Interrogative self-talk sidesteps the sometimes delusional/disingenuous process that is positive thinking and spurs organic motivation that is rational and introspective at its core.

By cheba1

One thought on “Buoyancy – Reflections”
  1. Self encouragement can often feel trite or silly, however, I truly believe it can make all of the difference. if you are constantly telling yourself “I can’t do this” you will never find success. If you change your point of view, and think “I can do this” your entire world will change.

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