Last class we learned about expressing your feelings through storytelling.  In sales this is an extremely powerful tool.   The art of storytelling has always been a way that has allowed humans to connect and learn in society.  When Jesus came to earth he often taught through stories, which allowed his followers to learn powerful lessons in a simple stress-free environment.  This is clearly a relational tactic, but how does story telling help when it comes to sales?

Sales situations can often be tense and uncomfortable due to expectations and overall discomfort.  It is often difficult to state a point in a non threatening way.  However, a third party story can help to alleviate some of that stress and discomfort.  As a sales person if you must deliver bad or embarrassing news to a client a third party story is a way to do so in a way that will not embarrass or upset the client.  Often prospects are unable or unwilling to see the serious nature of their own situation, and story telling is an age old method to “life the fog.”

So next time you are difficult situation where it feels nearly impossible to get the point across, tell a story!  You will be amazed that with a little practice and some great stories up your sleeve that it will feel natural and will help with your interpersonal communication skills.

4 thoughts on “The Power of Story Telling”
  1. Story telling is a great way of relating bad news/things to people in various situations. I often find myself talking to friends who are in unhealthy romantic relationships by telling stories about other friends who had been in a similar situation, because it is a lot easier to recognize a problem when it’s removed from yourself.

  2. This is a great point. The power of stories is something I have always known but never fully came to the realization of. A story has so many uses, but the one of the main benefits of stories I have found is attention grabbing. People’s attention is so hard to reach these days, but stories are a great relational tool that catches most people’s interests.

  3. Great Posts – I often even think of how Pastors get the congregations attention — they start with a story! Stories have a weird effect to draw people in and create a transparency and somewhat a vulnerability that can make you as a salesperson less intimidating.

  4. Immediately after reading this blog, I thought of all the instances where I was involved in furthering my network. One of the most helpful tools in gaining professional connections is being able to break the ice. I always try to find some topic in the conversation that I can elaborate on. Given this, it usually leads to some sort of story. I found it especially helpful to dive deeper into my past through the art of storytelling and it’s resulted in many connections!

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