During this cold and miserable weather, the restaurant business tends to hit a hard patch. I’m a server at Primanti Bros. in Grove City and our manager is constantly telling us to “up-sell” at our tables. The last couple weeks of frigid weather have led to record low sales at Primantis. As a server, I don’t typically think of myself as a salesperson because people have already came to the restaurant wanting to eat the food without me having to sell it to them. As Dr. Sweet has told us, however, we are often selling without realizing it.

      When a person at my table orders a sandwich, I have to ask them if they would like double meat or an egg added to their sandwich for an extra 50 cents. If someone orders a bowl of chili, I have to ask if they would like cheese and onions added for an extra 50 cents. I was told since I started working at Primanti’s to always ask those questions and it has becomuntitled (2)e a part of my speech to every table. Without actually thinking about it, I have been selling to all of my tables at work. I’ve realized that I’m actually selling the restaurant as well. If I can provide great service to customers, they’re more likely to come back again and increase sales for the restaurant. Without thinking of my job as a sales position, I have come to realize that I am selling in some way everyday at work.



2 thoughts on “Up-selling Sales”
  1. This is a great example of how you are selling even when you aren’t thinking about it. So often people consider their job to be non-sales and as a result do nothing to try to sell customers on different items and upgrades. If all employees realized they are in sales in one way or another companies would stand to make a lot more money.

  2. It was interesting that you would mention the up-selling at Primanti Bros. I can remember the first time I ate there thinking “its so weird that they always ask you for an egg or double meat”. Come to think of it, its probably one of the only restaurants that asks you for meal upgrades so consistently. Most just ask if you’re interested in dessert. Over time you could see how Primantis could make some good additional income from doing this. I frequently capitalize on these options when I’m there and now I can’t order a sandwich without the upgrades. Up-selling works!

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