The typical view of a salesperson is a relentless, extraverted person trying to fight for the sale to the death. If this applies to you… You may find these expressions surprising!

 1.”I don’t know the answer to that problem”

Sales people often pride themselves on knowing all the answers. They want to quickly be able to solve a client’s problem and put a prospect’s mind at ease. The problem is, if your sales people are too quick to provide “the answer,” they are missing opportunities to dive deeper into the prospect’s problem and identify the root cause of the prospect’s pain. There are often bigger sales to be made through a longer-term consultative approach, rather than simply giving “the answer” upfront.

 2. “I’m not going to sell you what you don’t need”

The best sales people are willing to help their customers save money, even if it means making a smaller sale. Great sales people focus on building long-term business relationships, not short-term transactions.

3. “Please tell me more about your requirements”

The best sales people will invest time upfront in asking questions, getting details, and digging into the underlying problems. By learning more about the requirements, the sales person gets better informed about the client’s problem, identifies the range of actions, and can recommend better solutions.

These statements can serve as great tools for building customer relationships and expanding business in the future.

Try adding them to your sales vocabulary!

~ Zach B.

By zberry7

2 thoughts on “Odd Things GOOD Salespeople Say”
  1. This just goes to show how important it is to sit back and listen to your prospect. Then ask questions when needed. But the one i agree with the most is trying not to sell the customer something they don’t need. I think that is very respectful.

  2. Throughout the course of our Sales class, Dr. Sweet has emphasized the importance of being honest with the potential customer. Sometimes a question is asked where you don’t know the answer. Instead of blatantly lying or making up something, answers such as, “I actually don’t know the answer to that question but I will find out soon and get back to you on that” are much better. Not only does it develop trust in the relationship, but it also shows the customer that you are interested in solving their problems and not just making a sale.

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