BELIEVE IT OR NOT, the best entrepreneurial lessons I have learned have been the simple ones. The ones you stare face-to-face every day, yet you miss to see them.

Don’t make excuses, make improvements

In most cases, things won’t work out the way you initially wanted them to. That’s true for life, business, and sales alike. Basically every day can be screwed up and it’s natural to make excuses for why things didn’t go the way you had planned. But that doesn’t solve any problems. Instead of making excuses about what could have been, solve the problem so that they can be.

Don’t stop when you’re tired, stop when you’re done

Sometimes, especially when things aren’t going well, you can get burned out. But thinking about tasks with this mentality will allow you to handle a bigger plate. The moment you stop is the day you fail. But beating failure feels oh so good!

Live in such a way that if someone spoke bad of you, no one would believe it

Businesses and sales opportunities come and go but one thing you most certainly should protect is your reputation. Treating your reputation as if it were more valuable than gold is the best way to look at it! Always help others out, always be humble, and never speak badly of others. Be so kind and helpful that if someone spoke badly about you, nobody would believe it!

Adopting this mindset will help any sales person and entrepreneur face the world more positively!

~ Zach B.

By zberry7

3 thoughts on “My Sales Philosophy”
  1. Those are three good sayings to remember when selling and for life in general. Perseverance is a word I would use to sum up your three statements because they all point to remaining steadfast in your work despite difficulty. I think it is very important to get back up and make improvements when things don’t go the way you planned, as well as to not quit early on things that you have set your heart to. While perseverance is not easy, as Christians we have great resources to encourage and guide us along the way.

  2. I really like the line, “Don’t stop when you are tired, stop when you are done.” I think it describes Entrepreneurship and sales really well!

  3. The idea of always improving and moving forward, trying to do the best by others, is the kind of sales and business in general I hope to be a part of.

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