Through classes this semester we have learned so many things about sales and the start-up that I thought I would piece together the different topics we have talked about in a short summary.

  1. The Secret to Effective Selling: We talked about all the attributes or things that make selling effective such as listening, being empathetic, knowing your product, and being honest.
  2. Pink’s 3 reasons for why sales is growing so much: Entrepreneurship, Elasticity, and Ed-Med
    • The rise of small entrepreneurs everywhere
    • The new breadth of skills demanded by established companies
    • Education and health care are the largest sector in the U.S. economy and are realms we often associate with moving people.
  3. Sales Models and Processes: We learned about inside versus outside sales, sales cycles, the difference between older sales models and more contemporary sales models, as well as the Sandler Submarine!
  4. Conventional Sales Wisdom vs. Contemporary: The ABC’s are now about Attunement, Buoyancy, and Clarity!
  5. Introverts/Extroverts/Ambiverts: We identified the main two extremes of personalities and then focused on the optimal personality for a salesperson.
  6. Positivity Ratios: We discussed the ideal golden ratio of positivity during the sales process.
  7. Uncovering Pain: We learned about the key aspect of uncovering the client’s pain during the sale to better understand how we can solve their pain. They key to this is asking engaging questions.
  8. Finding Frames: We talked about different ways to discuss with clients so as to draw them in and cater to the process which resonates more clearly with them.

Of course the above recap is not comprehensive because we have talked and learned about so much over the course of the semester. An important chunk of information I left out are all the Sandler Rules/Core Concepts which we spent much time discussing and are key to effective selling! But hopefully the above is a quick reminder or recap of some of the key topics we learned about and will serve as a guide for some of the things you want to go back to and look at to refresh your memory on as we come to an end.

2 thoughts on “Piecing it Together”
  1. I really enjoyed taking that quiz to determine who was an extrovert, ambivert, and introvert in class this year! It was funny how obvious the extroverts and introvert are when we revealed who scored what on the test! Great post!

  2. Over the semester comparing the old and new ways of sales has been interesting and illuminating in seeing how the “profession” has transformed. In my own opinion it has changed very much for the better.

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