In many situations, including sales, there is a key balance between rational positive thinking and negative or realistic perspective. This has been called the Positivity Ratio and when practiced effectively allows the seller to look out for the well-being of the prospect and best match a need to a solution. This “golden ratio” of positivity has been researched extensively by Frederickson and Losada and their results show the impact of positive and negative emotions on team behavior coming into balance at 3:1. An even amount of positive and negative thinking did more damage than good and even a 2:1 ratio still was not effective. When positive perspectives got out of hand it also had a bad impact, showing unrealistic and self-delusional thinking when it came to a situation. By balancing a more positive mindset with realistic perspectives in a 3 to 1 ratio, the most beneficial relationship between the two can be achieved. With the appropriate levels of negativity, behavior patterns can be modified when needed and there is space for constructive feedback.

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