In the midst of a sale it can be a challenge to stay focused through the excitement. It becomes easy to get distracted and start adding your own ideas into those of your prospect. Avoiding voicing personal opinions and making sure to ask questions is key in getting to the root of a customer’s needs. By asking questions it allows the truth of the problem to be revealed and an appropriate solution to be found. As a seller it needs to be a constant reminder to keep the prospects best interests in mind even if your own ideas and opinions are contrary to that of the customer.

4 thoughts on “Staying Focused In a Sale”
  1. That’s a great point. That plays perfectly into what Professor Sweet has talked about concerning the balance between demonstrating competence about your product and allowing the prospective client to explain what they actually need. The client fact finding mission at the outset is crucial to a successful sales relationship and must come before solution-based proposals.

  2. I agree. So many things come into your mind you are tempted to say during the selling situation. Many of these ideas that pop into your head are not relevant to the core problem and will only divert the focus away from what’s important. This is something that should be kept in mind and watched for during every sale.

  3. I agree as well, this relates to a post that I saw about the importance of nerves and how it plays into the sales process. I wish that this post could have gone into a little more depth into how to keep the prospects in mind, but I do appreciate the insight this article had.

  4. Maddie this is a great post and so true. I completely agree that especially in situations that are nerve wracking it is hard to stay focused since there are a million thoughts running through your mind, but it is necessary to ask the questions and then do alot of the listening.

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