One of the things that has stuck with me over this semester, was in one of our more recent lectures, where Professor Sweet talked about finding the one percent. I believe that little one percent factors of where your pitch can be better than someone else’s, are far greater than we often realize if we are giving the pitch. As a buyer, or someone who is being sold to, I definitely take notice if there is some small difference about two salespeople, especially if they are selling close to the same product. Coach Didonato referred to this as well, and I think that something as small as a salesperson’s smile, versus a serious salesperson, might sell the product alone. Most of the time, we probably deal with these small differences subconsciously, but in really thinking about that one percent, I believe that they effect us greatly. The more fast food restaurants I go to, the more I appreciate that Chick Fil A does set themselves apart in terms of their attitude towards customers. They have found a one percent way they can do things better, and have capitalized on it. So much so, that our whole society has begun to recognize them as premier in the service category. Like Professor Sweet said, it’s easy to get lost in the details of the product, but all you need to do is find the one percent, and stick with it. People will grow to appreciate that you are different in that way.

2 thoughts on “Finding the One Percent”
  1. Good point. I think too often people get caught up in the “process” of sales and fail to recognize the power of the th little things. As you mentioned, it is these little things that make all the difference and actually drive sales!

  2. Whether it be in sales, in a person, in a business, or in life in general, I agree with Prof. Sweet in that we should all search for the one percent. Differentiating your business like Chick Fil A can be a game changer in any industry.

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