Consider this scenario:  You sell a product or service that is really unique.  You call on two companies just at a time when they are unhappy with their current vendors.  At the first company, your prospect grabs onto your offer with great enthusiasm.  At the second company, your prospect tells you she needs your service, but you just can’t get a signature.  Why do prospects behave so differently, when they appear to be facing identical situations?  Surface problems may be similar, but the underlying problems, as well as the prospect’s motivations, may be very different.  That’s when you need to use  Sandler’s techniques for uncovering pain, and lead your hesitant prospect down the Pain Funnel.

The pain funnel goes as follows:

  • Ask a few questions
  • Just listen
  • Explore the surface pain
  • Dig deeper
  • Implications
  • Get to the real why

Sandler’s pain process uncovers the underlying reasons for your prospect’s pain, as well as its impact, by moving her from the general to the specific and, more important, from intellectual to the emotional.

3 thoughts on “Why You Should Use The Pain Funnel”
  1. Using the pain funnel and channeling some of that raw sales power into getting to the real “why” is so important in the sales process. Digging deeper to find your customers’ actual problem helps you gather information to offer a solution! Great post!

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