I want to take  minute and focus on something that Evan Addams mentioned when he was with us for the last time.  We have talked a lot this semester about leveling with the prospect and showing them their need for our product or service rather than us selling it to them.  Evan reiterated this point.  He discussed teaching as a powerful tool in sales.  He used a quote from Andy Crouch’s book Playing God to do so: There is power in teaching. When you teach somebody, you keep all the power you have to do something, and you are able to give power others to do that same thing.

What a good point!  Often, as the sales person, we understand the problem at hand, but the prospect, for one reason or another, is unable too.  By teaching them, you are opening their eyes to the issue at hand.  By teaching them, we are getting them to truly understand the problem at hand and hopefully, in doing so, they will respond by investing in our solution. Teach, don’t sell.

2 thoughts on “Teach, Don’t Sell”
  1. I thought this was a great point that Evan Addams brought up in class. Often times, we do not take the time to teach others and share our knowledge with them. Image the potential if we were only to slow down, explain the problem at hand, and teach prospects how to respond to the issue at hand.

  2. I also thought this was a great point! I think the power of teaching is significantly underestimated. As a salesperson, service should be at the forefront of our minds, and this is definitely one way to do so.

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