Expert salespeople provide insightful tips and advice, but sometimes, they’re just plain humorous. I pulled some great comedic lines from an online source and I thought it would be insightful to share and think about each of these.

  1. “People like to buy things they need from people they like. And somewhere we screwed it all up by making it some kind of crazy thing. It’s simply, ‘What do you need? What are you trying to solve? Do I have it?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Is it the right price?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Next.'” – Sales Woman Speaker, Sales Expert

People do indeed like to buy something from people they like! I know from firsthand experience that making people like you is such an important factor if you’re going to do business with them. We even said in class, “people want to do business with someone they like.”  Class doesn’t lie.

2. “Resilience is not what happens to you. It’s how you react to, respond to, and recover from what happens to you.”  ~Jeffery Gitomer

We even talked about resiliency in class! Creating that sense of mental-toughness and using it to drive you past negative experiences and failures is an extremely important skill for a salesperson to know. Learning how to respond to failure and bounce back from it builds your resiliency, allowing you to fail and fail even more! Failure is a good thing! This means that you can learn more from experiencing it.

Get out there, be someone who others like to do business with, and build your resiliency upon failure.

Happy selling!

~Zach B.


By zberry7

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