I very much appreciated when Mr. VanErden spoke in class the other day.  His “5 P’s” are especially insightful and really stuck with me.

The 5 P’s to remember in sales are:

  1. Precision – be able to explain what you are offering better than anyone else
  2. Problem – understand the problem you’re trying to address
  3. Persistence – In the end, all great ideas generate into work
  4. Predisposition – how we carry ourselves with other people
  5. Purpose – carry in a contagious way, a higher sense of purpose

By doing these 5 things, you are approaching sales in the right way.  It doesn’t mean you will always close a deal, but it does mean that you will be working hard and carrying yourself with honor and integrity throughout the sales process.  How we carry ourselves with other people (#4) relates back to when we talked about the positive and negative thinking of a salesman.  It is important to express positivity throughout a sales process – not only during, but after as well.  Other people will notice this genuine approach to life and be drawn to the idea of doing business with a positive and genuine salesperson.

One thought on “The 5 “P’s””
  1. I also enjoyed having him speak in class. He was able to offer real-world advice to us. While the idea of the “5 P’s” is rather simple, I think that they will be very effective in the world of sales when used properly.

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