Mattson’s Rule #45 instructs salespeople to express their feelings through third party stories.  I found this rule to be especially interesting.  Using third party stories is the most non-threatening way to approach a difficult sales situation.  This approach also takes the personal aspect of the situation away and can help the prospect to feel more comfortable and open up about their own situation.  Often times, prospects can’t see the seriousness of their own situation.  Sometimes third party stories shed light on a situation in a way that a direct confrontation could not.  This approach applies not only to sales, but also to life in general.  It is a well-known fact that story-telling is an age-old method for breaking through emotional and psychological clutter.  Oftentimes fear, guilt, and shame can block truth from reaching a prospect.  Using a third party story to discuss the situation can break down many barriers that may be preventing the acknowledgement of a problem.

2 thoughts on “3rd Party Story-Telling”
  1. I personally enjoyed this concept because I think it is a great approach. It take a skillful salesperson to be able to communicate via a third party story. This is something that I would love master with experience.

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