“One of the best predictors of ultimate success…isn’t natural talent or even industry expertise, but how you explain your failures and rejections.” -Daniel H. Pink

This quote really jumped out at me because I felt that it encompassed what we have been discussing all semester. At this point, I’m sure we are all in agreement that traditional sales is a thing of the past. Today, it is about moving people and “non-selling” selling. This can be very challenging because it is new territory for salespeople. Despite this, I believe that Daniel Pink’s definition of success is something that we should all keep in mind as we venture into the world of sales. It is easy to become overwhelmed by failures and allow them to determine your success in life. If you let them, your failures will define you and your career. On the other hand, if you are able to take your failures and rejections and turn them into motivation, that will be the ultimate success. It does not matter if you possess the natural talent of a traditional salesperson, or if you are an extrovert or introvert. The truth of the matter is that each one of us is capable of being a great salesperson in today’s business world, and that begins with learning how to explain your failures and rejections in terms of success, just as Pink says.

One thought on “Final Thoughts on Today’s Sales”
  1. This is such an insightful quote! Learning how to best handle rejection and failure is not only an important part of sales, but also crucial to life as well.

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