For this post, I have decided to take the six types of pitches described in Pink’s book, To Sell is Human, and relate them to myself. This post is how, if I were marketing myself to a potential customer, I would in each style of pitch:

  • The One Word Pitch: Passionate
  • The Rhyming Pitch: Elisabeth: the woman you need to succeed
  • The Subject-Line Pitch: Elisabeth O’Brien: Your next best hire
  • Question: Who can promise you result? Elisabeth Can: the girl you have been looking for
  • Twitter: Elisabeth O’Brien is a passionate, innovative, recent college graduate who is ready to bring your startup to the next level. Her quick thinking ideation and confident personality will make you think that she can fix any problem your business has. Hire her for maximum results and high yield.
  • Pixar Pitch: Once upon a time, Elisabeth O’Brien attended Grove City College and majored in entrepreneurship. Every day, she would go to class and be disappointed that she had not thought of a mind-blowing, million-dollar making idea yet. One day, she sat down and thought of what was lacking in her life, financial knowledge. Because of that, she came up with an idea for a financial simulation game that taught high school students basic financial concepts. Because of that, she worked long and hard to perfect this idea. Until finally, she placed first in the Grove City College Elevator Pitch Competition, Second at the Allegheny Gator Social Venture Challenge, and First at the Westminster Perfect Pitch Competition and started Life Launch as a real business.

While writing these pitches, I have learned how to comprehensively say the same information in a unique six different ways. This helped me to hone in on how I describe my skills and abilities and how to pitch myself in any sort of time constraint.


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