As with many things in life there is danger in the pursuit of sales “clarity” of falling into two ditches. On the one hand there could be a temptation to intentionally muddy the waters and slide a client into close without them thinking about it too hard. The other ditch one may fall into is trying to over explain and expound on every aspect of your product, essentially fire-hosing a client until they are completely convinced into a sale.

However, what is most appealing in a sales process is when people feel as though they are being dealt with honestly and transparently. The idea of clarity is to help people see their situation in new ways, and to help them identify problems they didn’t know they had.

The key in that definition is that they see the problems, they see their situation, not that it’s ignored or that it’s explained to them. This ties directly into another principle we’ve been examining this semester, about how important it is for the client to do more of the talking than the sales rep.

In the end for true clarity to be achieved it’s important to simply have an honest and transparent conversation like two normal people. It make the client feel comfortable and more likely to open up.

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