The concept of service as sales seems so intuitive: of course you are serving your customer as you offer them your product or service. However, too often, the culture of sales becomes self-serving. Immersed in a business-place mentality of meeting sales goals and quotas, or of proving personal selling capabilities by capturing every potential prospect, salespeople can get too easily distracted from the true objective of their job. In fact, businesses exist to provide solutions to pain.

Instead of striving to boost sales numbers, salespeople should be seeking to serve their clients by offering solutions to customers’ true pain, not by creating more pain and faux issues. This mentality shift is simply a shift back to the heart of the sales position. With a culture shift within the sales community, sale people can again fulfill a beneficial and edifying service, instead of being known as a nuisance to avoid.

2 thoughts on “Service in Sales”
  1. This is a really thoughtful and pertinent reminder Amy. I really hope that we all are able to keep it as a guiding principle as we leave the gcc bubble, and resist getting caught up in the dog-eat-dog rat-race of the outside world. (lots of animal metaphors it seems…)

  2. I think that it is absolutely vital that we remember this. We mustn’t forget out heritage or our background. We are Grovers and disciples of Sweet, it’s pain alleviation and consulting first.

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