Over Easter break, I visited many various car dealerships looking for a small, affordable car to drive this summer.  During this search process, I had the opportunity to witness many different salespeople in action.  At one dealership, the man we worked with was your typical “salesman”.  He was loud, push, and assumed he knew exactly what we wanted.  He didn’t really ask questions, and instead simply told me what I needed.  Finally, we visited a dealership where the man we worked with approached sales from a completely different perspective.  He asked me what I was looking for, showed me cars, and asked me how similar they were to what I had in mind.  He was honest with pricing and the features of the cars, and allowed me to test drive the car on my own.  This experience helped me firsthand to see how much more valuable it is to be a salesman who asks questions and is concerned about the buyer as a person, and not merely a potential profit.

3 thoughts on “Car Salesmen”
  1. Its amazing how differently we can view negative sales experiences now that we know what to look for. Hopefully we can take what we have learned to our daily experiences and try to create better sales experiences for everyone, unlike that car salesman 🙂

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