Because you’re selling something new to children everyday, from veggies, to naps.

Being around children shows you the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your sales technique. With children you are selling something from the minute they wake up, to the minute you go to bed (and sometimes even later than that). A few things that you sell throughout the day are going to school, doing homework, eating a healthy dinner, brushing their teeth, and going to bed. Parents are constantly trying new ways to convince the child that these things are mutually benifical  and ultimately fit their wants and needs, even if they’re not aware of it. As you grow as a parent, you also grow as a salesperson. You find out how to communicate with your child (your client). You find out what their specific pain point is (even if it’s different every hour). And you find new ways that your product our service can be of benefit to them.

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