In the past, grabbing a phone and dialing a company’s number was one of the best ways to get a foot in the door. In terms of marketing, cold calling is one of the most effective ways to reach potential customers. The only thing better than speaking one on one with prospects over the phone is actually speaking with the prospects in person. In many ways, the cold call was a road that had to be traveled in order to reach an in-person interaction.

I believe that cold calling is still one of the most important ways to connect with potential clients. One can argue that over the years, the most efficient way to make a cold call has changed. It has changed from someone just looking at a phone-book and dialing a number, to someone doing research about the potential customer before actually making the call itself. This is a way to establish an initial connection with the customer before the customer loses interest while on the phone. Customers have much higher expectations in today’s market and expect the salesperson to work harder for their sale.

With this in mind, it is important for companies who have previously used cold calling as a sales technique to transition it into something much more tailored to each specific customer. Using websites such as Google and LinkedIn, salespeople can gain valuable information about their potential customers. This method allows companies to have a more targeted approach when it comes to cold calling. In doing this, a salesperson is able to generate more confidence which should enable them to make a stronger connection to the customer. Therefore producing greater leads, which should in turn yield better profits.

By PlantsAB1

Business Management Major

2 thoughts on “Cold Calling Has Changed”
  1. Great Job on this article! Yes I agree that cold calling is still very important. Although, today’s generation is definitely more relational. Sales are more effective and efficient when a personal connection is made between the seller and customer.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this post. I agree that cold calls are very important, they are a great way to get your foot in the door and find new clients. As you mentioned above cold calls have changed and people are doing more research before making a call. In my opinion gathering background information is a very key part of selling.

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