This week in class one of the concepts we discussed the importance of using your head as much as your heart; and the relationship between perspective taking and empathy. Perspective Thinking and Empathy can both be seen as an understanding of other people’s mental state. I think such a skill is very important when trying to connect with your potential buyers and trying to make an effective sale. Empath allows you to look through the person’s eyes, understand and see if you have the solution to the problem that they have. Here’s some reasons I think Empathy and Perspective Taking are both important for an effective salesperson:

  1. First and foremost, they build trust and credibility with your potential buyer. It shows that you care about the person, their problem and that you actually take the time to listen and understand before offering the solution (your solution) to their problem. Simply cutting them off and trying to pitch your idea robs that connection and isn’t as likely to have the same impact.
  2. Secondly, it gives you that afore-mentioned connection with the customer. It puts you in their shoes, it helps you actually see the problem for what it is and therefore find a better solution – which will be a lot more effective than standing on the outside and trying to assume their problem and your solution.
  3. Finally, it’ll make them more attracted to you than to your competitors who don’t show those skills. Using the “talking to your crush” example that I’ve used before, she’s more likely to talk to someone who shows actual interest and understanding than just a shallow conversation.
One thought on “The Importance of Perspective-Taking and Empathy”
  1. This is a great post! I agree completely that sales people who are intentionally focused on the customer, and relating to them on a personal level, rather than obligation, not only puts that salesperson ahead of the competition, but creates a trust relationship with the buyer.

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