Understanding the customer is one of the most important aspects of being successful in the world of sales. Knowing what the customer needs and wants is a science that is important to master before undertaking a big sales job. Customers mainly desire 2 qualities of a sales experience. These aspects of the experience are as follows:

  • Customers want to be satisfied with your products and/or services.
  • Customers want to feel appreciated through the sales process.

When you initially read these 2 points you might tend to think that satisfying someones complete desire for the perfect sales experience is easy. That is in fact very wrong. Unfortunately, salespeople can’t always deliver what the customers wants. This could be for a multitude of reasons. Maybe the inventory for the product the customer wants is low, or maybe the hands on selling experience went well, but at the end of the day the customer wasn’t happy with the product they walked away with. Many different things have to go right in order for a customers needs to be 100% satisfied. Here are some ways that salespeople can help better their chances of providing an excellent customer interaction.

  • Pay attention and listen to the customers needs. Sometimes customers won’t be able to verbalize what exactly it is that they want. It is important to listen and try to distinguish what it is that they are shopping for.
  • Communicate with your customers if you can’t deliver what is expected. For example, if an order is going to be delivered late. Make sure that you let the customer know so that they are not expecting quick delivery. Also make sure to take full responsibility for any hiccups in their experience. Excuses for your company will most likely upset your customer.
  • Develop services that help with customer feedback. Select a few customers every month and try to get a feel for what their customer experience was like while working with your company. Take constructive criticism and adjust your products and services accordingly.

At the end of the day the customer is the most important aspect of your businesses success. Without the customer, there is no profit.

By PlantsAB1

Business Management Major

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