Since the foudning of Patagnonia Inc. they have been doing things a little bit differently.  they have a counter cultural feel that pervades the entire business.  They have a freakish obsession with environmentalism (which I love) and a general culture that says, “if there is a status-quo, I must challenge it.”  All this stems from their founder Yvon Chouinard.  This is a business founded by hippies without high school diplomas.  From the get go, they ignored generally accepted business practices in search of a new way of doing things.  Today they are an established niche brand that sells some of the highest quality, most expensive, Eco-friendly, adventure clothing for the avid outdoors-man.   So what is their selling method?

I would argue that a large part of their success is the honest way they sell, brutal honesty.  Even if it means losing sales, Patagonia sticks to its cause and its dedication to a completely transparent and ethical supply chain.  Their down is completely traceable to the mills that they personally audit to meet their high levels of integrity. You will only find organically grown cotton and ethically harvested goose down.  Then using direct mail (Eco-friendly paper, of course) they spend most of their time talking about issues unrelated to the business and its products.

We can use the example of Patagonia to exemplify the benefits of honest selling.  Of hiding nothing and shedding light on industry malpractices.  This method sets them apart and creates brand loyalty.  Customers know what Patagonia stands for and know that they buy their products, they have been made with the highest possible level of ethical standards.  Business relationships built on trust will increase the value of the consumer, the company, and that business’s partnerships.  When all three parties benefit from the success of the others, business flourishes.

2 thoughts on “Patagonia | Selling with a Cause”
  1. This is a great example of how some businesses sell their story more than their product. Yes the products are important but if you do not have a reason for doing the business the way you do, then why would I buy, especially if the product costs more. This is why today brand perception is more vital than ever. That’s my opinion but I feel I am not alone when i say that. It’s why people buy from Apple. They want a phone that is creative and allows you to be creative and expressive.

  2. As soon as I read this entry it brought to mind Toms Shoes, a company which donates one pair of shoes to someone need for every pair they sell. Company’s like this have a major appeal to a certain type of consumer. Millennial’s today seem to have a deep sense of caring for our environment and those struck with poverty. There is an opportunity for market share when you provide more than just a good product. Great post!

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