Sandler’s 13th and 14th rules go hand in hand. If one is sitting or standing there trying to figure out what the potential buyer wants or is thinking then they are breaking rule 14 as well. By not mind reading and having a focus on understanding what it is the buyer wants or needs, one is more likely to listen and be able to develop well thought out and prying questions to the buyer leading to a more engaging and thoughtful conversation, which will also allow the seller to follow other Sandler rules like, number 12 and 5 by answering questions with questions and not answering unasked questions.  When you as a salesperson sit there analyzing and mind reading thinking you know the answer they want to hear you are breaking rule 5.

Mattson, describes the 14th rule when broken as “yakkety yak” or the idea that you might as well hand the brochure to them or point them to the website and read it aloud to them.  By listening and letting the prospect talk you will be able to provide them with information or solutions they themselves admit they are looking for. By being patient closing your mouth and letting the prospect answer prying questions you are able to provide them with solutions that they admit they need, rather than telling them solutions you offer, deals you have, the experience, or success of the product/service… all the things they can find out without you.

If you have ever been to a touristy area, especially out of the country you will understand the idea of salespeople who break rule 14.  They stand on the streets at their stands and just tell you about their product or their excursion or whatever it may be.  All the things they tell you, you may already know based on seeing the product, seeing a sign for a deal, or by flipping through the brochure they handed you upon arrival. Once you leave you will have all the information they just wasted their and your time telling you in the pamphlet in your hands.  All in all by being a quite salesperson who is willing to listen and not assume by mind reading and by asking thought provoking, meaningful questions the individual will provide answers that don’t take a mind reader to figure out.

One thought on “Mind Reader Sure isn’t Listening”
  1. This is so true! When we focus so much on trying to figure out things that aren’t actually being said, it compromises our ability to truly engage in the conversation!

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