1. Entrepreneurship

If proliferating in the niches, internet is HUGE in this respect. It is necessary for an entrepreneur to take on a sales role. Entrepreneurs must sell their original idea, sell to early adopters of the product, sell the story of the company, and have to sell to the investors. It is said that, “…traditional selling and non-sales are in equal measure. Instead of doing one thing, he must to everything, and everything requires a lot of moving”. Entrepreneurship is moving more people into sales because in order to be successful, the selling all starts with them.

  1. Elasticity

Elasticity is NECESSARY in the related topic of sales, because both small and large companies trend toward the decentralization of sales. Big companies are doing more of this with less by stretching all types of people into sales roles.  Alassian says that in a weird way, everyone is a salesperson. More and more businesses are stretching employees beyond their specified work niches, and using them in the sales process to generate more sales.

  1. Ed-Med

Ed-Med is education and healthcare which are two sectors whose main purpose is to MOVE people. In both cases, you have to have a logical systematic framework for addressing issues, ask the right questions at the right time as well as test theories, have all the major pieces of information in hand, look for the best interests of the client/student, and prescribe the solutions. Counselling is just like consulting in the way of you have to move from A to B to C in both the education and healthcare process. “The challenge is to move people a large distance and for the long term, we have to create conditions where they can move themselves”

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