Dear Introvert/Extrovert,

Yes, both introverts AND extroverts can be sellers, but both also have some things that can improve on. The danger with introverts is that may be too shy to initiate and too timid to close. Extroverts are natural salespeople, and good salespeople are naturally outgoing, and their ability. However, the danger with extroverts is that may talk too much or listen too little resulting with a struggle to find the balance of assertiveness and restraint. In class, we learned that ambiverts are excellent sales people because they include qualities of half introverts and half extroverts.  All sales requires a balance of inspecting and responding and ambiverts find that balance easily. They know when to speak up, and know when to shut up. Introvert-extrovert curve follows pattern of general population and puts us all in a great position to sell.

Suggestions for Introverts Include:

  1. Practice your “ask” in advance
  2. Practice meeting people
  3. Step out of your comfort zone
  4. Use powers of inspection and observation to start conversations with strangers

Suggestions for Extroverts Include:

  1. Make fewer assertions and ask more questions
  2. Be aware that sometimes you frighten/intimidate people
  3. Practice observing before you engage
  4. Learn to hold back and gather information
One thought on “Letter to the Salesperson Who is an Introvert or an Extrovert”
  1. Great post. I think for extroverts, the tip about holding back and gathering information is especially important – particularly with formulating questions

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