1. Dream it

Don’t let people tell you can’t do it but always ask for good advice. Have a positive attitude. Have self-confidence.

  1. Believe it

““It’s easier to build strong children then repair broken men.” Fredrick Dauglas

Entrepreneur has to believe in the dream and hire or work with individuals that are loyal and high integrity. Employees that like to drives change, and that always treat others with respect. Employee that simply commit to the mission of the company whole heartedly.


  1. See it

Entrepreneurs and Employees have to understand why you do what you are doing. They should be able to see what it would be like once the dream has been achieved and what difference that it will make.


  1. Tell it

Entre. Must understand the rule of exchange – both parties must benefit. So keep networking, take advantage of network marketing. Tell other about your dream and fine that person wants to help you in any way they can because they know you have offer something in return. Learn to sell yourself and your product. Handle rejection. Learn from mistakes and do better next time.

  1. Plan it

Have clear long term strategic plan. Great business model that grows big and that is part of something big improving societal well-being. Don’t share everything at once. Out of thousands of step share one. Prepare for all circumstances and emergencies. So your operation is not halted by thing. Your idea has help improve people’s life and business model to be sustainable and bring constant cash flow.

  1. Do it

Without Struggle There Is No Success”. The best view comes after the hardest climb. If you fail. Fail faster.

  1. Enjoy it


Malcolm Gladwell once said; “we are so caught in the myths of the best and the brightest and the self-made that we think outliers spring naturally from the earth. We look at the young Bill Gates and marvel that our world allowed that thirteen-year-old to become a fabulously successful entrepreneur. But that’s the wrong lesson. Our world only allowed one thirteen-year-old unlimited access to a time sharing terminal in 1968. If a million teenagers had been given the same opportunity, how many more Microsofts would we have today?”


Needless to say, “giving millions of teenagers the same opportunity” would not be economically viable at times. When you take money off of the industry the economy will suffer. Our resources are limited. So you cannot get all the opportunities in the world unless you are willing to work for it. Save money for your or your family’s education and etc…

You might be lucky if could find very rich friends, family or sponsors who you have to ask very politely and respectfully to help you. And they might volunteer to help you. You cannot use government force to take all the wealth from top riches people in the country because they will simply not enslave them-selves to you or the government. They shoot any who gets close to their property.

But anyone can become entrepreneur and make fair amount living out it.

Entrepreneurship is the best way to contribute to the world in a positive way.

Prosperity comes with entrepreneurship and productivity. The more food, products and services you produce that people want the more prosper we will be.

Bill gates or any other successful entrepreneurs could have become as successful as they are if they could not have anticipated future opportunities and prepared themselves through education and networking they would not have been prepared enough capture the opportunities that only they could see.



One thought on “Rules of Success – Applicable to Sales;”
  1. Good blog reminding us to remember some core principles when it comes to sales. Solid motivational topics to remind yourself of before you go in for the kill. I was glad you included enjoy it. That’s the most important thing. If you don’t get it, at least you had a heck of a time and gave it a hell of a run!

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