Empathy is an important part of sales. You need to understand your customer’s needs. Here is 3 steps to improving empathy.

1. Commit to improve

You needs to find your own particular motive, which drives you to most of every situation and use it as a valuable opportunity to practice empathy. If you aren’t going to try and improve, it won’t just happen out of thin air.

2. Focus your objective on the day to day situations

Choose times to practice empathy with others, best times are groups and meetings. During these moments, concentrate on your feelings and perceptions about the emotional state of the other person/people. We need to constantly practice to improve our empathy whenever the opportunity comes.

3. Get feedback

Get feedback about what you think other people are thinking and what you think of their perspective. This is important because you need to improve and start accurately predicting other people’s feelings.  You want your impressions about other people to line up with reality. Don’t be shy about asking your colleagues, friends and family for feedback. They have the answers that will help you become more effective in showing empathy.

One thought on “Tips to Help Improve Empathy”
  1. I love that point, we need to constantly practice to improve our empathy whenever the opportunity comes, it is so true but so over looked. Great article, thanks for sharing!

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