Cold calls are never fun, but it is necessary. They aren’t always the easiest things to do. Below are some helpful tips that can improve your cold calling and prospecting.

1.  First, you shouldn’t have to make an actual cold call.  Everyone has the chance to research their targets beforehand.

2.  Do your research on your prospect. Know company’s history and what they are about. You should make sure you know the best person to contact that gives you the best chance, and how long they have been in the company. And last, any possible history between your business and theirs.

3.  Keeping yourself accountable to reach out to at least a couple contacts per day. When you first start out it should be much more, but once you get into it make sure you keep at it each day. LinkedIn is a great place to find prospects. Also co-workers, mutual connections, some data of past business of the company, etc.

4.  Make meaningful advances on the target. Introduce yourself, mention things you have in common, and give an interesting story to whom you are contacting. It is good to talk about strengthening the relationship between your companies. Maybe invite them to something that is going on, a sports game, or just anything.

5.  Remember you need to ask for info about themselves too.  Don’t make it all about your business needs.  Ask the contact about their company’s needs, what would interest them in being a client, what matters most to them.

6.  Timing is everything. Make sure not to call on a early Monday morning or late Friday afternoon, lunch times are also usually poor times to call as well.

7.  Keep it short unless the person is interested in engaging.

8.  Leave with a plan.  At the end of the call try to have a time frame or steps for further action scheduled.

9.  Always thank them for their time.

10.  Write down the details of the conversation so you have things to look back on to remember.

3 thoughts on “Some Pointers for Cold Calls”
  1. Interesting point on number one, I did not know that there was a way to actually know who the prospects were in cold calling. Great article!

  2. Cold calling is very difficult. I loved the pointers that you gave in this post. I have written a few posts about cold calling, but never gave as many pointers as you did. I loved your point from number 6. I never thought about particular times that would be good to make calls. Thinking about your point, it makes total sense to not make calls during those times.

  3. Wow, great pointers. I’ve done a lot of cold-calling in which I have no control over who I’m about to talk to (thanks a lot Grove City Crimson Callers). These tips are excellent though!

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