Okay, so you had this business idea.. and it finally became something. Congratulations!!

At this point, it’s easy to focus so much on selling your business that your forget about selling yourself. Whenever you present an idea to someone: a potential employee, customer, or even investor, it is crucial to sell not only your business but also yourself.

Sell your passion. Sometimes all it takes to sell an idea to someone is to sell them on your passion. If you are obviously SO excited about something; it’s contagious. So sell your passion alongside your business!

Sell your trustworthiness. As Professor Sweet discussed in class, there is often a false assumption concerning salesmen and women and their lack of ethics. So be honest and upfront about everything and don’t forget to sell your trustworthiness. If you aren’t trustworthy, you can cause an incredible idea to fail.

Sell your story. This is, possibly, the most important. Don’t forget about your journey to reaching the point of having a business to sell. Sell your story. Tell people about how you got an idea and how it grew into something tangible. People love stories because they make it so much easier to empathize, so take advantage of that.

Happy selling!

By KimAA1

2 thoughts on “Sell Yourself, Not Just Your Business”
  1. I love this and definitely agree! Selling your story and your passion are so important. Most people have a desire to connect with others in some form, and showing why you care is the first step to this and gives a lot more meaning and worth in buying a product.

  2. I have found this technique to be true. This semester I have had the opportunity to make great connections with alumni because my story aligns with what they believe in and are passionate about.

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