I find this clip from the Office to be extremely interesting.

While it is an extreme picture of a man who does not know how to sell to a woman, it is also very real in a sense. Sometimes, we don’t make a sale because we don’t understand our buyer.

The most important thing is to ask questions and listen.

Professor Sweet talked about this often in class. We cannot tell our buyer what his or her needs are; the goal is to discover them by asking quality questions.

It is also important to be respectful and flexible without assuming.

For example, if you are about to walk into the office of a buyer who grew up in South Korea for the first 20 years of his life; it is important to understand what cultural differences may arise without making any assumptions. Adapt your selling style just a little depending on your buyer’s culture without being obnoxious or offensive.

Finally, it is important to understand that your product/service is not a good fit for everyone.

Don’t assume that you can solve all of your buyer’s problems with your product or service. Instead be realistic and honest, fully understanding that it may not be a good fit.

Happy selling!

By KimAA1

One thought on “Understanding Your Buyer”
  1. As someone who pitches primarily to women, I can say this is extremely accurate! Women, above men, really love to be heard and related to. If you talk about the things they love most – kids, husband, cooking, etc.. you can really have an effective empathetic conversation. One company that excels in this is Mary Kay.

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