In class we talked about the differences between the older style of sales and what is transforming into the new style of sales. When I began to think of old types of selling the only thing that came to mind was the classic persuasive and manipulative used car salesman. Thinking about the new models of sales was a different story. New sales models follow a relationship  and need based model. As I began to think of companies that were a good example of the new selling model many came to mind. Some of these include companies such as GoPro and Apple. Being a faithful customer to both of these organizations I began to think about how they caught my attention as a customer. The thing that surprised me most is when I purchased these products was I never thought I was being sold to. I look back and can see that I honestly believed I needed these products and nothing else could take their place. Their method of selling immerses the customer in the experience of their product. In my opinion GoPro has one of the best forms of selling on the planet. Their YouTube videos shot with their product create a need in the customers eyes that is not done nearly as well by any other company.

Looking at the new models of selling it is important to follow the example of big companies such as GoPro and Apple. They use technology to their advantage and show the benefits of the product that creates a need in the customers eyes. The customer never feels persuaded, manipulated or pressured as they often times would have in the older models of sales.

By Funyak

One thought on “New Models of Sales”
  1. It is very interesting to compare the newer models of sales to the old. Times are changing and customers are becoming more and more educated. Building that initial relationship with your customer is huge and should get to the point where it doesn’t even feel like a sale is happening in the first place. Good post!

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