In a sales pitch or any aspect of sales, it is important to have positive body language. Not all communication in a sales world is verbal, some is non-verbal. Due to this, it is important to be aware of your personal body language. From hand gestures to facial quirks, people read every move we make. You can use body language to build trust with customers and improve your sales presentations. Here are some ways that you can improve your body language:

  • Exude Confidence: Do not slouch, stand or sit straight up. It is important to not lean to the side or back. Relax your shoulders so that you do not seem tense.
  • Connect with others: Match your tone and the way you speak with others in the room. If you speak too slow or too fast you will lose the focus of the customers.
  • Be calm, cool, and collected: Keep your hands in front of you or to the sides. This demonstrates calmness.
  • Eye Contact: Eyes send a powerful message. Make sure you make eye contact and avoid staring. Eye contact can help build a connection.
  • Watch your arms: The way we hold our arms is a cue about how open or closed we are. This means we should avoid crossing them, which would make you seem closed off or defensive.

By PlantsAB1

Business Management Major

4 thoughts on “Body Language”
  1. I completely agree. Personally I believe that poor body language can ruin a sale all together. Body language is one of the most underrated part of the sales process. Great post.

  2. These tips can also be applied outside of a sales situation. I think they are also easily forgotten. This is a valuable post all around!

  3. Body language is a very important factor for many life situations beyond just sales. It’s important to be aware of all your body language, so you’re not conveyng any unintended messages.

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