1. We don’t take “no” for an answer.
    1. This is an exaggerated clip but it’s a lighthearted example of how you want to be ready and optimistic before going into a sale. It helps to be excited about the positive potential outcome, but it’s also beneficial to be aware and realistic of the most likely outcome. Still, you never know how it may go. Go into the sale with a clear state of mind and do not settle. Remember what you’ve learned and believe in your sale.
  2. The cold call – “If you want to close me you should sell me.” ‘It’s not what I want, it’s what you want.’
    1. Don’t lose motivation. Displaying uninterest or carelessness isn’t going to make the buyer interested. Give them something to chew on and think about. It’s always worth a shot. Make them believe it’s solely about their wants, not yours. Remember, you’re there to help and not to apologize for wasting their time.
  3. “Why I suck as a salesman.”
    1. This clip is just for fun, but it does have a point. It is possible to overdo it. In the excitement of closing a sale, continue to remember your bearings. Don’t say too much. The most important part of closing the sale is to leave the buyer feeling confident in your product and satisfied with their decision to buy from you. This will help build a trustful relationship and continued service.
  4. ABC “Always be closing” AIDA “Attention, Interest, Decision, Action”
    1. These are just a few valid points to keep in mind throughout the sales process. Once you have their attention, get their interest. Once they are interested, lead them to make a decision and take action.
  5. The product demo destruction
    1. This is a brilliant example of clip #3.
  6. “You could pass for 18 or 19.”
    1. Sometimes a compliment can go a long way.

Enjoy these clips!



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