It is important to present a positive look to your clients as a salesperson. You never want to go into a sales meeting with the wrong attire, this could be detrimental to your overall sales experience. You want your customer to see eye to eye with you, and one way to help that is to be presentable. Dressing correctly can gain you respect among customers. Here are some helpful pointers to help better your sales experience:

  • Dress like your customer:
    • People trust and want to associate with people who are like themselves. It is important to match your attire with that of a customer.
  • Think Locally:
    • This goes hand in hand with the first helpful pointer. This is more important if you are involved in global sales markets. You need to be up to date on the countries culture and what attire they wear. This will help form a connection between you and the customer.
  • Stay neat:
    • No matter what you are wearing, make sure it looks neat. Staying neat at all times is a must. It is never a problem do to a quick mirror check before an official meeting to make sure everything looks right. If something is off, it can be distracting for the customer.
  • Beware of Odor: 
    • On top of your attire, make sure that your personal hygiene is in good shape. Also, always be careful to not overpower with heavy colognes or perfumes.
  • Don’t Smoke:
    • Never smoke before a sales meeting, the odor often lingers on a persons clothing. This can be distracting for the customer, which is something you don’t want.

Most importantly, just dress how you would want a salesperson to dress if you were purchasing from them. Think about what is necessary and what is over the top. Make sure you are in sync with the customer so that you ensure a pleasurable experience.

By PlantsAB1

Business Management Major

2 thoughts on “How to Dress for Successful Sales”
  1. These are some very helpful tips! I imagine it can be easy to be so focussed on the content of the sales discussion that you neglect to think about your personal appearance. Making that last little critique or touch up to your appearance can make all the difference in making yout client feel comfortable.

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