Interested in selling your brand or idea on Instagram? Here are a few tips from Instagram experts:

  1. Create a signature look. Nothing is more off-putting than an Instagram that is clearly meant for selling and has no artistic or aesthetic value. In order to capture the interest of Instagram followers and potential buyers, you need to create a beautiful, signature look. Make the selling subtle.
  2. Offer a unique behind-the-scenes perspective. Instead of just showing your products, feature behind-the-scenes shots as well in order to help your Instagram follower feel like they are a part of a community.
  3. Be consistent but not overbearing. Post consistently in order to keep traffic going, but do not post more than 2-3 times a day.
  4. Hashtag professionally. Use a few, professional hashtags in order to better market your photo but don’t get too crazy. Make sure that your hashtags are highly relevant.
  5. Respond! Message, like, share, respond to comments–be a part of the Instagram community and make your followers feel important, as much as is possible.

Happy selling!

5 Tips for Selling Products on Instagram
8 Tips for Selling Products on Instagram

By KimAA1

2 thoughts on “How to Sell on Instagram”
  1. Thanks for posting! I definitely agree with this. Especially since Instagram has become such a huge sales platform in the past year or two. I think it is especially important, like you said, to be consistent but not overbearing. I followed a boutique for a while that posted way to much and I unfollowed because of it. It is an important line to find.

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