Below is what we learned in class about 30-second commercials. I’d like to emphasize the points in bold.

30-second Commercials

  • Every sales person is called upon from time to give a “30 second commercial”
  • Use in personal networking conversations in response to the question, “What do you do?”
  • Use in public settings where you are representing your company at a professional networking event
  • Developing an effective 30 second commercial is vital and needs to be something that comes naturally to you at the drop of a hat
  • You have to be able to develop a positioning statement that a) addresses typical pain, b) creates curiosity and interest, and c) differentiates you


A public setting can also be a TV screen at home while gathered around family and friends, say like for a Superbowl game. This is a great and well-known time to air new ads. Sellers want to represent their company in a unique, memorable, and enjoyable way that emphasizes something in particular about their company. This is where a well-developed position statement is processed that addressed the pain, creates curiosity, gains attention, and differentiates your company.

2 thoughts on “Best Sales Commercials”
  1. Commercials are a great way to sell and there definitely are some great ones. For me, if it is funny, I am more willing to buy it.

  2. At first glance, I thought that 30 seconds was too short of time frame to sell. However, if managed appropriately, this time frame allows you to be short, specific, and targeted.

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