During my time at Buffalo Wild Wings, I learned a thing or two about sales. What to do and what not to do. Here are a few things I picked up:

When a customer is angry, listen and never retaliate. An angry customers is in the norm at Bdubs. An order is messed up or cold or they’re hungry and their food is taking too long. Still, no matter how angry a customer is… be sure to listen first and then respond kindly. Kind words go a long way when it comes to sales.

No matter how good your customer service is, people care about price. Price is actually really important, so if your product is going to be expensive, make sure it is worth it. Otherwise, you can be the best sales person in the world but no one will buy.

Never be afraid to up-sell. Trying to up-sell something can be really scary, but it’s often worth the effort. Upselling is taking a sale and driving it up a level; for example, when someone buys fries, you ask if they’re interested in some bacon and cheese to go with it. Sometimes it can be a little scary to ask since you feel like an annoying salesman, but it is always good just to ask. 🙂

Happy selling!

By KimAA1

3 thoughts on “Buffalo Wild Wings & Sales”
  1. I also work in a restaurant and completely agree with everything you have said. Those are three excellent points you made and more people should know how to apply them to life.

  2. I worked at a fashion boutique for the last two summers and I have learned a lot about customer selling. I completely agree with your first point. Even when they are wrong, the customer is ALWAYS right. This practice is very hard to understand but well wroth it.

  3. Love this! The first point especially resonated with me. It’s so easy to feel like you should retaliate when someone is angry, especially when you think you’ve been wronged. It takes a lot of patience and a lot of understanding, but ultimately, staying calm is a big part of having a servant mindset, and that is vital to sales. Great post.

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