1. Ask a lot of questions

C: I0 Kym CDN

Before an exam, it’s often helpful to me to ask questions. This could be in class, in office hours, or by email. By asking questions, it’s easier to understand what the professor wants you to focus on.

Sales is sort of the same way. By asking the customer a lot of questions throughout the sales process, it’s easier to understand where they’re coming from and what’s ultimately going to be important to them when you’re trying to close the deal.

2. Research

C: Media Giphy

Sometimes looking up information surrounding the topics I’m learning in class helps me understand the content better. There’s something about having a holistic view of a concept that solidifies it.

In sales, if you’re going into a company to talk to people about a potential fit, it’s good to know more than just their names and the goal. What is the culture like? What has the company spent money on in the past? Are there any common interests you’ve overlooked? All of these things can help if curveballs come during the conversation.

2 thoughts on “Sales Prep and Exam Prep: 2 Big Similarities”
  1. being as informed as you can will not hurt you unless you focus on the information that does not matter that much. Ask key questions and have info for reference and you sales experiences will be more successful.

  2. Asking the RIGHT questions is essential; in exams, in sales and I think in life. It helps us learn things that takes time otherwise to learn and helps us get ahead quicker

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