Being a young adult and looking for employment that will not only make you money, but also will give you a head start by adding something of real substance to your resume. These types of jobs tend to be in the sales fields, and are not that hard to get. They are meant to be jobs that are a virtual representation of a stepping stone into your professional career. They promise to give you real world life experience, and to train you in professional sales techniques, but they may not be all they are cracked up to be though. These ground level sales jobs have been in existence for a long time, and they have had time to target their preferred employee market. Late teens and people who are attending college are usually the people that are usually attracted to this commission-based outside sales job. The promise of a foot in the door and some fast cash creates big promises for the employee. When you finally get into employment, you can see that you are not the only person that has been selected for a certain position. There are many different people that have all been selected for the position. They teach you through the training process and tell you that you are all qualified to go train on your own now. The technique that i want to focus on for customer acquisition for this type of business is relation based acquisition. You can either be happy with the process, or absolutely hate it. Writing down every person you know, or every person in your contacts is one of the tactics that is used to produce a list of possible clients. Contacting all of these people is a way that companies use to gain new possible people to sell their products to. It can often cause turmoil and grief for the new employee because of the harassment or constant calling that their contacts are now receiving. Some may be receptive, but with most of the rest, you will not be winning any favors. As for me, I hate relation based sales. Connecting old relationships for nothing other than a sales situation and subjecting your friends to something they want no part of is not something that I like participating in. Be careful at next time you are looking for a sales job. Find out whether the company really wants you for you, or if you are just a number that is giving them more people to call.

One thought on “relation based sales”
  1. Finding a job is not easy but in an interview process, I think it is best to make it a two-way sale. As you are trying to sell yourself to the interview so you can get a job offer, make the interviewer sell the company to you. This can get you more information on the company and will allow you to decide if it is the right place for you to grow or if it will be a place that will turn you into a number.

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