Learning through immersion. Learning sales techniques in the classroom is something that we can all do. You can learn a lot in the classroom, all of the different concepts and techniques. Once you have learned about sales and sales techniques in the classroom, going out into the real world and experiencing real world sales is the best thing you can do. Being in sales experiences and being surrounded by other salespeople enables you to be able to see all of the different types of sales techniques and how they work. You can mimic, test, and experiment with different techniques to see what works best for you. Having a variety of different outlets and backup maneuvers in your back pocket is always handy to have as a salesperson. Start learning in the classroom, and then continue learning in the field.

3 thoughts on “Emersion”
  1. I totally agree! It might require some failures but the more you put yourself in real life sales the more you can learn and become more comfortable in those fields.

  2. Agree completely with this! This is why seeing the Venture Battle was so beneficial because seeing the principles we’d learned being applied to actual sales situations was awesome, and gave me a lot to learn!

  3. I agree as well. I think that when you are out in the world that it is the best learning experience. You learn new techniques on your own and you also learn what works best for you.

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