Everyone who wants to do sales has to know whether to close the sale or close the file. When a person says no, what do you do? Do you go by the book your company gave you to tell you what to say? Do you start spurting out information? Do you just end the conversation?

In sales, salesman are always pursuing three questions:

  1. Is this a good fit?
  2. Is this person willing to work with me?
  3. Could my efforts be more productive somewhere else?

Some people want to say no or even need to say no. It will become clear that you’re not going to make the sale.

If the client hasn’t said it directly or indirectly, then maybe it’s time to ask. Help to ease tension and not intimidate them.

Sometimes, even after the most skillful process, the prospect still won’t buy. When all else fails, become a consultant. Put the folder away and just be a guide to help the prospect. Don’t give away everything that you know, but use this method to try one more time to save the deal.


One thought on “Closing the Sale and How to Get to No”
  1. Great read!
    It’s so important to remember that cold calls are a search for a potential client and not a chance to beg for business.

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