In sales you will inevitably need to improvise now and then. It may seem strange, but there are actually a few rules to great improvisation. This may sounds strange since we often think of improv being only spontaneous, but with a few rules you can make sure your improv skills are always helpful.

First, you want to make sure you are really hearing people. It may seem strange to consider this as improv usually seems like something you come up with just from your own thoughts. Great improv, however, uses what others around them have said to make sure it caters well to the prospect’s needs.

Great improv begins with asking great questions to notice helpful information. Also, don’t feel the need to fill every moment with words. It’s okay to take some time to think over what your prospect is saying and them improvise in a helpful and positive way.

Secondly, in order to keep things nice and positive try saying the phrase, “yes, and…” as this really helps point the conversation forward. This can help a prospect fell as though you are really listening and simply adding helpful tips onto what they have expressed.

Finally, if you are working with a partner it is absolutely essential to make them look good. The last thing you want to do is bring your partner down in a negative way. By helping others look good you can not only help them win, but also help foster an environment where new ideas can emerge.

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