While it may seem odd, adopting a serving mindset can be incredibly helpful in sales. It can not only help you set yourself apart from others, but it can also help you get to a prospect’s pain and help them win in a much better way.

If you make it clear to your prospect that you are truly there to help aide them in a helpful and beneficial way, it can go a long way to building trust between the two of you. As Pink has mentioned, “Sales and non-sales selling are ultimately about service.”

An incredibly important part of serving others actually revolves around moving them. To do this, there are to essential keys: personal and purposeful.

Keeping things personal can actually be quite fun. It allows you to get to know you prospect in an appropriate way that still goes beyond just business as usual. This gives you chance to have more human interactions that engage the values of the company and also yourself! This is where empathy, good listening, and nurturing others can be very valuable.

To make things purposeful it’s important to remember that staying humble is essential. You basically want to serve first and sell later. This can be accomplished by paying attention to a prospect’s needs. Being willing to listen more than you talk also helps. Finally, intentionally building a good relationship with a prospect is critical. This helps you to care for people as people first, and then as sales later.


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